Finding Balance in Resilience
Resilience is a journey of learning, awareness and growth. It is the foundation of all individuals, teams and organizations. It is about ensuring you have what you need when you need it. Finding balance in all things. The verb of balance is defined as keeping or putting (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall.
Let me help you find your balance and establish a thriving culture of resilience.
Thank you ENMAX Centre for the use of the space
"Refreshingly different presentation. Well related to personal and Internal Auditor success"
IIA Canada Conference Toronto Speaker

About Me
Hailey is a Resilience Leadership Coach, a Certified Meditation Teacher, a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA), and a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA).
You are probably thinking what a strange combination!
Hailey started learning about resilience and meditation in 2015 when she was struggling with balance in her life. Her career and family life was very busy and at times very stressful. She wasn’t handling the lack of balance very well at all. Her mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing was neglected and something needed to change. That began her practice towards resilience, peace and stillness. Hailey enjoys engaging with others in the practice of resilience, leadership and meditation. Hailey has also written a book called My Six Degrees of Meditation which is currently available on Amazon/Kindle.

“Hailey is an exceptional facilitator and has rich tools to teach. I hope she offers a couple sessions a year."
My Six Degrees of Meditation Workshop Participant
Empowering Resilient Leaders - in ourselves, in our teams and in our organizations
You know how your subtle whispers of insight become loud brick walls if you aren’t paying attention to the whispers?
They might take the form of illness, an accident or high stress, which all have severe long-term consequences. Developing Resilient Leaders ensures faster recovery from stress and enhanced job performance.
This talk explores the importance of resilience, the impact of resilience deficits and ways to support rebuilding and maintaining resilience, all of which are crucial in ensuring strong and healthy teams.

My Six Degrees of Meditation
This speaking engagement and workshop explores Six Degrees of Meditation: Leadership, Resilience, Present Moment, Courage, Creativity and Gratitude, how they all connect back to meditation and mindfulness and how they connect to being a more resilient leader.
This talk can explore all six degrees or dig deeper into one of the specific degrees.
Exploring My Six Degrees from the perspective of all of our senses with heightened awareness and presence including personal reflection and exploration of inspiration from within.
The Left Brain Professional’s Guide to Creativity
This speaking engagement and workshop explores creativity as it relates to leadership growth. The way we truly learn and grow and stretch is by stepping outside of our comfort zone to gain a different perspective and to gain new insight about who we really are.
Exploring creativity from the perspective of all of our senses with heightened awareness and presence including personal reflection and exploration of inspiration from within.


“Hailey is an exceptional facilitator and has rich tools to teach. I hope she offers a couple sessions a year. I will encourage family and friends to join her future offerings.”
My Six Degrees of Meditation Workshop Participant

"Refreshingly different presentation. Well related to personal and Internal Auditor success"
IIA Canada Conference Toronto Speaker
Mindfulness & Leadership for the Business Professional
“Hailey’s meditation sessions offer brave and personal insights into life and the human mind. She gives a fresh perspective on this ancient practice to help people navigate through the non-stop stresses, demands, and uncertainty of our new normal.”
Cam Woo
Meditation Workshop participant

"Hailey has displayed a passion for course development and education in her work for Bloom. Her presentation of course material was excellent and received great praise from course registrants.”
Tim Duhamel
President, Bloom Centre for Municipal Education

Connect with Hailey
Phone: 1-403-393-7913