I recently saw a post stating:
"As time goes by, humans are becoming less and less empathetic. Today, we care about others 40% less than people in the 1980's did."
Do you believe this to be true?
This statement initially made me sad. Sad for the next generation, sad for the lost connections and sad for humanity. This sadness also made me want to dive deeper into understanding the impact of this lost empathy? The divide that is currently going on in our world seems to highlight how lost empathy plays out in society. Empathy is "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another." You don't need to look any further than how people respond to each other on social media to see a reduced ability to understand and a reduced ability to share the feelings of another.
Empathy is about connection and compassion. It is about caring. How can we enhance our awareness towards empathy? How can we stay grounded in the present moment to be more connected? How can we further our ability for understanding? This awareness starts with a willingness to listen, to be engaged, and to reduce judgement. It starts with each of us coming together to heal ourselves, to help heal each other and to help heal the world.
I do not want to be remembered as the generation that lost empathy. That is not the future I want for our children nor it is the future I want for each other.
